GST Verification Online

The Ultimate Guide to GST Verification Online: How to Verify Your GST Number

At the forefront of India’s Goods and Services Tax (GST) system, GST verification online offers a convenient and efficient solution for businesses and individuals. Implemented in July 2017, GST replaced multiple indirect taxes and introduced a consumption-based tax structure. Under this system, GST verification online plays a crucial role in ensuring compliance and transparency.

By accessing dedicated online platforms, users can easily verify the registration status, validity, and other essential details of GST entities. This centralized approach streamlines transactions, promotes accountability, and empowers users to engage confidently in business activities.

Importance of Verifying Your GST Number

GST verification is a crucial procedure that aids companies in confirming the legitimacy of their GST number. An individual identification number known as a GST number is given to companies that have registered for the Goods and Services Tax (GST) system in India. In order to ensure that the GST number is not being used fraudulently, GST verification is required. It also aids in the prevention of shell companies, tax evasion, and the creation of fake GST numbers.

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GST verification procedures come in a variety of forms, including offline and online verification. Offline verification entails physically checking your GST number at the closest GST office. On the other hand, online verification is a more practical choice because it can be completed from the convenience of your home or workplace.

You will receive a thorough overview of GST verification in this book, along with information on the many sorts of verification procedures that are offered. Additionally, it will walk you through the procedure of online GST number verification. This manual will also emphasize the significance of GST verification for companies and the potential financial and legal repercussions of noncompliance.

What is GST Verification?

A crucial step in assisting businesses in ensuring the accuracy and legitimacy of their GST number is GST verification. Several methods of verification are available under the Goods and Services Tax (GST) system in India to guarantee the accuracy of GST facts.

These methods of verification are created to give businesses a simple, convenient way to confirm their GST numbers. The online verification process is one of the most popular methods of GST verification. Businesses are able to check their GST numbers from any location with an internet connection thanks to this procedure, which is carried out through the official GST portal. Businesses must join in to the GST portal and submit their GST number in order to check their GST number online.

Different types of GST Verification

There are two types of GST Verification

For businesses, GST verification is a crucial step in making sure the information on their GST registration is current and accurate. Basic and Advanced GST Verification are the two different types of GST Verification.

Basic GST verification entails confirming the legitimacy and validity of the GSTIN. Based on the taxpayer’s PAN (Permanent Account Number), the GSTIN is confirmed. For tax reasons, an individual’s PAN, a 10-digit alphanumeric code, serves as identification. The system verifies the GSTIN’s authenticity in Basic GST verification by examining the first two characters, which represent the state code, and the next ten characters, which reflect the taxpayer’s PAN.

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Invoices, returns, and other pertinent documents must all be verified as part of the more thorough advanced GST verification procedure. The accuracy and currentness of the taxpayer’s GST records are guaranteed by this form of verification. Based on the details included in the invoices and returns submitted by the taxpayer, the system validates the GSTIN.

The sophisticated verification procedure aids in finding any inconsistencies or mistakes in the taxpayer’s GST records, such as inaccurate invoice details, inconsistencies in tax payments, or inconsistencies in the GST reports submitted.

The GST registration certificate, which contains information such as the taxpayer’s name, address, and registration date, is also verified as part of the advanced verification procedure. It also entails confirming the taxpayer’s business operations, revenue, and other pertinent information.

When to Perform GST Verification

The following situations necessitate GST verification:

  • Prior to engaging in business with a new supplier or vendor.
  • When the GSTIN of the supplier or vendor changes.
  • Whenever you submit GST returns or request an input tax credit (ITC).
  • When a notification from the GST department arrives.

How to Verify Your GST Number Online

To check your GST number online, take the following actions:

  • Click the “Search Taxpayer” button when you are on the GST portal.
  • Then click “Search” after entering your GSTIN in the search field.
  • The taxpayer’s information will appear on the screen if the GSTIN is legitimate.
  • If the GSTIN is incorrect, an error message will be displayed.
  • The same steps can be used to check the GSTIN of your supplier or merchant.

Step-by-Step Guide to Online GST Verification

Visit the GST website: Visit the official GST website.

  • Choose “Search Taxpayer”: Select the “Search Taxpayer” link located on the portal’s home page.
  • Put in the GSTIN or PAN of the taxpayer you want to verify: Put in the taxpayer’s GSTIN or PAN.
  • Choose the type of verification: Depending on your preference, select either the “Search by GSTIN” or the “Search by PAN” option.
  • Once you have supplied the necessary information and chosen the method of verification, click the “Search” button.
  • Check the information: You can view the taxpayer’s information on the screen if the GSTIN or PAN is legitimate.

Overview of GST Verification Portals

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For businesses, GST verification is a crucial step in making sure the information on their GST registration is current and accurate. For GST verification, there are many different portals available. A few of the most popular ones are as follows:

GST Portal:,  the official GST site, offers an online facility for GST verification. Taxpayers can use it to check the legitimacy and authenticity of their GSTIN since it serves as the main site for GST-related activity. The portal also gives users access to a number of other services, including GST registration, GST return filing, GST payment, and changing GST information.

The GSTN portal, located at, offers a complete solution for GST verification, including the verification of invoices and returns. Taxpayers can use it to check the accuracy of their GST records because it is a specific portal for GST-related tasks. The portal also gives users access to a number of other services, including GST registration, GST return filing, GST payment, and GST refund tracking.

ClearTax Portal: For GST verification, the ClearTax portal at offers a streamlined and user-friendly interface. Taxpayers can utilize this well-known portal for GST-related tasks to confirm the legitimacy and authenticity of their GSTIN. The portal also gives users access to a number of additional services, including GST registration, GST return filing, GST payment, and GST compliance.

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Tips for Successful Verification

To ensure a successful GST verification, consider the following advice:

  • Make that the taxpayer’s GSTIN or PAN is entered correctly.
  • Check the taxpayer’s information to make sure it corresponds with what the taxpayer has provided, including the name and address.
  • To ensure accurate and current information, choose a trusted portal for GST verification.

GST Verification by PAN

Verifying a taxpayer’s GSTIN using their PAN is known as GST verification by PAN. When the GSTIN is unavailable or when there is a discrepancy between the GSTIN and PAN, this form of verification is helpful. The procedure include entering the taxpayer’s PAN on the GST portal and checking the information the portal provides.

Explanation of PAN and its Importance in GST Verification

The Income Tax Department of India issues PANs, also known as Permanent Account Numbers, which are 10-digit alphanumeric codes with no duplicates. It serves a variety of functions, including GST verification, and is a crucial piece of taxpayer identity.

PAN is essential to GST verification since it is needed to verify the GSTIN that the taxpayer has submitted. It aids in confirming the GSTIN’s authenticity and proper taxpayer ownership. When the GSTIN is unavailable or when there is a discrepancy between the GSTIN and PAN, PAN is also utilized.

Step-by-Step Guide to GST Verification by PAN

Visit the GST website: Visit, the official GST website.

  • Choose “Search Taxpayer”: Select the “Search Taxpayer” link located on the portal’s home page.
  • Activate the PAN: Enter the taxpayer’s PAN whose identity you want to confirm.
  • When you have finished entering the PAN, click the “Search” button.
  • Check the information: You will be able to see the taxpayer’s information on the screen if the PAN is connected to a legitimate GSTIN.

Common Issues and How to Resolve Them

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Incorrect PAN: If you input a PAN that isn’t valid, you’ll get an error notice. Check that you have the right PAN input before attempting again.

  • Mismatch between PAN and GSTIN: If the PAN and GSTIN don’t match, you can attempt to validate the GSTIN using another means, such as a name or address.
  • System Error: Try clearing your cache and cookies or using a new browser if you experience any system difficulties.

GST Verification by Name

GST verification by name entails confirming the taxpayer’s GSTIN using only their name. When the GSTIN or PAN is unavailable or when there is an inconsistency in the information provided by the taxpayer, this type of verification is helpful. The procedure is entering the taxpayer’s name on the GST portal and checking the information the portal provides. Nevertheless, because there could be numerous taxpayers with the same name, this method might not always be accurate.

Explanation of GST Verification by Name

GST verification by name entails confirming the taxpayer’s GSTIN using only their name. When the GSTIN or PAN is unavailable or when there is an inconsistency between the information provided by the taxpayer, this method can be helpful. It is crucial to remember that this strategy might not always be accurate because different taxpayers may have the same name.

Step-by-Step Guide to GST Verification by Name

Visit the GST website: Visit, the official GST website.

  • Choose “Search Taxpayer”: Select the “Search Taxpayer” link located on the portal’s home page.
  • Pick “Search by Name”: From the drop-down menu, select “Search by Name.”
  • Fill in your name: Enter the taxpayer’s name whose identity you want to confirm.
  • Insert More Information: If known, enter any other information, such as the state or registration date.
  • Once you have supplied the necessary information, click the “Search” button.
  • Check the Information: If the taxpayer’s name matches the information provided, you will be able to see the GSTIN and other information on the screen.
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Common Issues and How to Resolve Them

Many Taxpayers with the Same Name: As previously indicated, this method might not always be accurate because there might be several taxpaying entities with the same name. To ensure that the correct taxpayer is identified in such circumstances, it is crucial to double-check additional information including the state, address, and registration date.

Incorrect Spelling: Ensure that the name is entered correctly without any spelling errors.

System Error: Try clearing your cache and cookies or using a new browser if you experience any system difficulties.

No Results Found: If no results are produced, there may be a problem with the name’s registration or with the taxpayer’s GST registration.

It is crucial to remember that, in order to ensure accuracy and dependability, GST verification by name should only be utilized as a last resort and that, if practical, PAN or GSTIN verification should be used instead.

GST Verification by Site and Number

Read Also: 4 Types Of GST Verification By Name: Exploring the Options Available

Explanation of GST verification by site and number

Step-by-step guide to GST verification by site and number

Common issues and how to resolve them.

Explanation of GST Verification by Site and Number

GST verification by site and number entails confirming a taxpayer’s GSTIN based on their place of business and GST number. When the taxpayer’s PAN or name is unknown or there is an inconsistency between the information the taxpayer gave, this method can be helpful.

Step-by-Step Guide to GST Verification by Site and Number:

Visit the GST website: Visit, the official GST website.

  • Choose “Search Taxpayer”: Select the “Search Taxpayer” link located on the portal’s home page.
  • Pick “Search by Site”: From the drop-down menu, select “Search by Site.”
  • Access the company location: Indicate the taxpayer’s business’s location.
  • Type the GST Number here: If known, enter the taxpayer’s GST number.
  • Once you have supplied the necessary information, click the “Search” button.
  • Check the Information: The GSTIN and other information will appear on the screen if the location and GST number match the taxpayer’s information.

Common Issues and How to Resolve Them

Verify that the business location is typed accurately and without any spelling mistakes.

  • Incomplete GST Number: Make sure the GST number is entered completely and accurately.
  • System Error: Try clearing your cache and cookies or using a new browser if you experience any system difficulties.
  • None were discovered: If no results are returned, it may be because the taxpayer is not registered for GST or because the location or GST number is not registered.

Importance of GST Verification for Businesses

Businesses should do GST verification to make sure the GSTIN supplied by suppliers is legitimate and belongs to the right taxpayer. Also, it aids in the prevention of tax fraud and evasion. To avoid any legal or financial repercussions, businesses should be careful to confirm the GSTIN of their suppliers before doing any transactions.

Legal Consequences of Not Verifying Your GST Number

The legal repercussions of not validating your GST number might be severe. The tax authorities have the right to take legal action against you or your company if there are any inconsistencies or inaccurate information.

Penalties for Non-Compliance

Penalties and fines may apply if GST verification requirements are not met. The fine for failing to confirm GST registration might be anywhere between INR 10,000 and INR 25,000. The taxpayer may also be forced to pay interest on the outstanding tax balance.

Benefits of Proper GST Verification for Your Business

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For the following reasons, firms should properly verify their GST:

  • Ensures Accuracy: GST verification aids in ensuring that GSTINs and other information provided by vendors are accurate.
  • Legal Issues: Appropriate verification can assist in preventing any legal concerns relating to tax fraud and evasion.
  • Only taxpayers who have valid GSTINs are eligible to make an input tax credit claim. The GSTIN of the supplier must be verified properly in order for input tax credit to be granted.
  • Improves Business Reputation: Accurate verification contributes to the establishment of the business’s credibility and reputation among its stakeholders.


As a result, GST verification is a crucial procedure for companies that aims to guarantee the accuracy of GSTINs and other information supplied by suppliers. GST verification violations may result in both legal and financial repercussions.

Businesses must take care to properly verify the GSTINs of their suppliers in order to avoid any negative financial or legal repercussions. An organization’s reputation can be improved and its credibility can be established among stakeholders with the help of proper verification.

It is crucial to confirm your GST number is accurate and valid if you are a taxpayer or a business owner.

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